Crotalus lepidus lepidus

One of the iconic West Texas serpents. I've only observed a handful of mottled rock rattlers in the wild. Some have been road cruised while others have been found on road cuts in West Texas.

My first wild lep lep found by Prival and Company while helping with a survey project at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Eddy County, NM. It was the most commonly encountered snake species at the Caverns during the survey. May 2003.
This snake was seen in the rock foundation of one of the bridges at Carlsbad Caverns with Chris and Erik. Eddy County, NM. August 2004.
An adult male as seen on the road. Eddy County, NM. August 2004.
Another adult male found the night after the previous snake. Eddy County, NM. August 2004.
This adult male was the first lep lep I found in Texas. Found with Gordon and Han. Terrell County, TX. May 2010.
An adult male as seen on top of a road cut and posed the following day. Terrell County, TX. June 2018.

This female was seen by Rob on a cut north of Sanderson. June 2018.
An adult male in situ on a road cut and posed the following day. June 2018.

A male found in a crack on a rock cut. Jeff Davis County, TX. August 2021.