Crotalus oreganus oreganus

My first rattlesnakes in the wild were seen while helping Jared with his Masters work in SE Washington back in the late 90s and early 2000s. They continue to be one of my favorite species of rattlesnakes. I have many fond memories of herping that area.

The first rattlesnake we found was this guy towards the evening when we were headed back to the truck. He was implanted with a radio-transmitter and tracked. It got to the point where we could sometimes tell which rock(s) he would be by or under without having to turn the telemetry equipment on. Whitman County, WA.

Ben and I decided to drive around central Washington looking for spots to herp and we came across a site that was coincidentally a research area. Jay and I found this snake there on our way back to help a friend move. Kittitas County, WA.
Pretty dark adult for the region. Whitman County, WA. July 2008.
Juvenile. Whitman County, WA. July 2008.
Olive green adult. Whitman County, WA. July 2008.
While searching for zonata, we came across this adult norpac. Klickitat County, WA. July 2008.