Sistrurus catenatus

Had a great opportunity to help out with some field work and see several eastern massasaugas in their habitat. All the photos below are in-situ and the snakes did not move while we were snapping photos (unless they were already moving).

My first eastern massie spotted by Dan. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
Nice yellow on this adult. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
This juvenile let me get pretty close for a photo. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
The first one I actually spotted myself. A muddy animal in need of its first shed. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
This was the only one that buzzed. Glad it did because I would not have seen it in all these branches and debris otherwise. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
Almost stepped on this guy while I was stepping over a downed log. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.
Just a nice looking animal. Kalkaska County, MI. May 2018.